Week 5 (6.26-7.2)
Revision of Design Document
This week, I finished the revision of the minimal Viable Product part according to Jodi and Yuanxi’s feedback. And I figure out some of the points to design the web app. Also, this is my first time writing a technology stack part and I tried to write one. I did some research about that and ask some of my friends who are also CS majors to learn from them. The design part of the project is one of the most difficult parts. I’ll get the feedback and revise it again.
Revision of Poster
According to the feedback of lab members and Professor Jodi, I revise the poster a little bit and make t look nicer.
Revision of analysis report of Biblioshiny
A few days ago, I come up with the idea that one of the ways I can design this web app is to add an additional function to Biblioshiny to show the funder information. But now I found an important contradiction in the idea. The difference is that Biblioshiny needs an input file generated from the database website. However, our web application requires us to find the data information from different databases, so if we add an additional function to Biblioshiny, the web app will be limited but it can work. So, this is one of my concerns for now. I talked with Professor Jodi about this and she encourages me to continue to do this idea instead of just giving up. I’ll continue to figure this out.